Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Movie Review: Tanda Tanya

Easter Day. It is common in our ears this several day. Sekadar mau jujur, saya baru tau kalau itu adalah bahasa Inggrisnya paskah. (Hello!! Lo kemana aja kiiii…). Hahaha. Dan Anda harus tau kalau saya tau kata-kata itu dari siapa, Terje, my Norwegian friend. Waktu hari itu kita berbicara di virtual life. Dia bilang dia lagi libur karena easter day (duh saya ga akan cerita gimana kelanjutan pertanyaan saya, karna sangat konyol. Hahaha. Dan Anda pasti tau pertanyaan saya selanjutnya.) Oke, kembali ke hari paskah. Beberapa hari yang lalu tepatnya hari senin malam, saya dan teman saya nonton di 21. Judul film itu “Tanda Tanya”. Little bit odd, because the movie is showing during the easter day. Ga tau kenapa, Hanung Bramantyo selaku sutradaranya memilih timing di saat dekat dengan hari paskah. Mungkin dengan adanya gonjang-ganjing dan berita teroris bertebaran di Indonesia. Mungkin. Saya ga pernah ketemu dan bertanya langsung ke beliau. Ok, sebelum saya analisis, saya akan sedikit bercerita tentang filmnya.

Tokoh pertama (menurut saya sepertinya tidak ada tokoh utama) Menuk (Revalina Estemat), seorang wanita berjilbab dan taat agama Islam mempunyai seorang suami bernama Soleh, lelaki yang juga taat agama namun pengangguran. Mereka keluarga miskin di kota Semarang. Punya 1 anak perempuan dan mereka tinggal di rumah kontrakan bersama adiknya Soleh juga yang masih sekolah. Menuk bekerja di salah satu restoran China. Pemilik restoran itu Tan Kat Sun sudah tua dan sakit-sakitan, tapi beliau sangat menghargai agama lain, bahkan alat masak untuk daging babi dengan daging-daging halal lainnya dipisahkan dan dicuci di tempat berlainan. Beliau mempunyai seorang istri yang setia dan seorang anak yang bertato, Hendra namanya, dan keluyuran terus setiap harinya dan ga mau meneruskan usaha papihnya. Kemudian ada Rika, seorang muslimah dulunya namun pindah agama karena dia trauma akan poligami yang dilakukan suaminya, dia mempunyai seorang anak yang masih SD namanya Aby. Tokoh pendukung lainnya yang cukup menarik dan menghibur, kadang malah dia membuat penonton di studio 1 waktu itu ketawaan, Surya (Agus Kuncoro) yang selalu menjadi pemeran figuran walaupun bertaun-taun berpartisipasi dalam dunia perfilm-an yang akhirnya diusir dari kostan karena menunggak bayaran.

Cerita klimaks saat Soleh diterima menjadi Banser NU dan Soleh shock saat dia tahu kalau dia harus menjaga gereja. Setengah hati dia menjalaninya. Menuk yang dulunya berpadu kasih dengan Hendra lebih memilih Soleh karena Soleh taat beragama. Mulai sejak itulah Hendra sangat membeci Soleh, begitu pula sebaliknya. Hendra yang tadinya tidak mau membantu papihnya ternyata berubah dan meneruskan usaha papihnya, namun dia malah mengacaukannya dengan mengubah kebiasaan restoran saat papihnya terbaring tak berdaya karena sakit yang dideritanya. Hendra membuka tirai putih yang biasa digunakan saat bulan Ramadhan untuk menghormati ummat Islam yang sedang berpuasa, dan tetap buka pada saat lebaran hari kedua. Ha ini membuat berang Soleh yang melihat istrinya harus kerja di hari lebaran, Soleh membenci China begitpun sebaliknya Hendra. Hingga Soleh akhirnya membuat kerusuhan bersama teman-temannya dengan menghancurkan restoran China tersebut sampai-sampai Tan Kat Sun menjadi korban pukulannya dan kritis hingga akhirnya meninggal. Hendra semenjak itu sadar mengapa papihnya sangat menghargai agama lain. di cerita lainnya, Surya yang menumpang tinggal di masjid dan pengangguran diminta Rika untuk menjadi aktor di malam paskah. Surya awalnya ragu karena takut dibilang mendzolimi Islam akhirnya mengikuti ajakan itu setelah berdiskusi dengan Pak Ustadz. Dan akhirnya dia terpilih sebagai pemeran utama yakni menjadi Jesus. Terdapat berbagai macam polemik sepanjang film. Sedangkan Rika masih ga berani untuk pulang kampung karena ayahnya belum mengetahui kalau dia sudah pindah agama. Dan Rika selalu digosipkan orang karena Rika pindah agama. Cerita ga selesai sampai di situ, pada malam natal, kali kedua Surya memerankan Jesus, Soleh yang saat itu menjaga gereja bersama anggota Banser NU lainnya, Soleh menemukan paket bom di dalam gereja dan (saat itu dia masih dijauhi oleh istrinya Menuk) Soleh membawa paket bom itu keluar dan berlari menjauhi gereja. Hingga akhirnya bom itu meledak di dalam dekapannya. Saat itulah beberapa penonton mulai terharu dan menangis (salah satunya teman saya -_-“). Dan akhirnya Hendra masuk Islam, Menuk tetap kerja di restoran dan Kampung tersebut diganti menjadi Kampung Soleh. Sedangkan Rika dikunjungi kedua orang tuanya yang sudah mengikhlaskannya untuk memilih pilihannya sendiri. Surya? Saya masih ga jelas sama nasib dia sebenarnya. Hehehe

Film ini sebenarnya punya inti yang jelas mengenai pluralisme dan universalitas beragama. Toleransi, saling menghargai, dan konflik-konflik kecil bahkan besar digambarkan dengan jelas dan mudah dipahami. Penggambaran mengenai realitas kehidupan antar beragama digambarkan dengan baik oleh sutradara. Namun sayang, mengapa cuma 3 agama saja yang ditampilkan? Padahal Indonesia punya 6 agama yang diakui, Islam, Kristen, Katolik, Hindu, Budha, dan Konghucu (diakui saat zaman Gusdur berkuasa). Hm atau mungkin singkatnya waktu yang membuat Hanung hanya mengedepankan 3 agama tersebut. Saya rasa Hanung masih kurang objektif di dalam film. Masih lebih memunculkan keislaman yang mempunyai citra teroris atau semacamnya, bahkan poligami. Saya orang yeng termasuk sangat membenci poligami, tapi saya rasa Hanung harus sedikit adil dalam bercerita. Dan menayangkan film yang sarat SARA di hari paskah? Hm, mengundang banyak pro dan kontra, tak sedikit hujatan yang diberikan terhadap Hanung maupun film tersebut. Yah, film ini banyak makna, namun perlu dikaji ulang agar orang yang menonton juga ga beda presepsi sama apa yang mau ditampilin mas Hanung. Terima kasih sudah mau membaca review film "Tanda Tanya" ini. Takk!


Monday, April 25, 2011


Tidur berasa ga nyenyak. Bawaannya mau buru-buru nyelesein skripsi. Sampe kebawa mimpi. Bangun-bangun mimpinya ilang dan -------à itu cuma mimpi. Skripsi yang tadinya diharapkan minggu ini udah bab 4, ternyata tinggal kenangan. Datanya eror, saya kira skripsi tinggal beut beut beut. Apalagi yang saya teliti bukan studi yang berat. But, ternyata saya memang berdosa udah nganggep kaya gitu. Maap ya Allah. Harus lebih fokus lagi. Mudah-mudahan besok di kasih petunjuk sama Allah. Entah kenapa akhir-akhir ini emang saya ga ada semagat buat ngerjain skripsi gara-gara datanya ga valid. Terancam ganti objek penelitin ni. Cuma hari rabu mau konsul ke pembimbing utama. Ya Allah mudah-mudahan bisa diskusi dan dapet jalan keluar yang terbaik ya Allah. Amin.

Oh ya saya mau cerita sesuatu, saya keterima untuk mengikuti International Student Week in Ilmenau, Jerman bulan Mei ini. Sama kayak ISFiT kemaren, cuma ini di Jerman. Abis liat invitation letter dari panitia sana pas lagi di Amsterdam nunggu transit pas pulang dari Norway. Agak shock karna saya tau untuk dapet uang pesawat ke sana ga mudah. Dan saya waktu itu ga tau gimana saya bisa kembali ke eropa. Fiuh. Pas udah beberapa hari di Jakarta saya masih belum bisa ngelupain ISFiT (sampe sekarang juga belom). Because that was awesome! Sebenernya kesempatan buat ke Jerman bisa jadi salah satu kesempatan saya buat kembali ke Norway, tapi sayang, uang yang saya dapetin sampe sekarang aja masih belum cukup buat pesawat ke Jerman. Ya Allah, malah bikin tambah pusing ya. Hahaha. Cari dana ke sana sini, spent a lot of money for transport. Dan saya harus menabung sampe-sampe saya harus mulai terbiasa lagi untuk puasa daud biar saya bisa berhemat. Sekalian buat ibadah juga. Kan Allah seneng kalo ummatnya beribadah dengan niat ga cuma beribadah tapi juga buat sesuatu yang baik. Ya ga?

Ok back to ISWI, kamu bisa dapetin infonya di dan di sana kamu bisa liat apa aja persyaratannya. Kamu tinggal isi formulir secara online di sana. ISWI diadakan tiap dua tahun sekali. Dia tematik dan kamu harus isi formulir sesuai dengan tema dan workshop yang akan kamu pilih. Seperti posting saya sebelumnya tentang bagaimana bisa dapet invitation letter dari acara semacam ISFiT, isi dengan sebenar-benarnya dan jangan lebay ya. Hehehe. Next step, kamu masih punya waktu untuk berbuat seuatu untuk bumi ini, dan ini jadi nilai plus kamu buat diterima. Oh ya, ISWI tahun ini kayanya bakal rame, dan saya sebenernya pengen banget dateng ke sana. Kemaren kamis udah apply visa, niatnya mau extend jadi bisa punya beberapa hari buat menikmati lagi keindahan europe, tapi nyatanya uangnya ga cukup, saya rasa saya sudah puas pas ISFiT kemaren, jadi saya akhirnya memutuskan untuk ga extend. Tapi ada sedikit masalah karena kakak ga ngijinin saya buat ikut ISWI. Tapi saya nekad apply visa. Dan saya bertekad untuk ga akan minta sepeserpun dari keluarga untuk perjalanan saya kali ini. I promise! Mudah2an Allah kasih jalan keluar bagaimana saya dapetin uang sisa untuk ke Jerman di akhir April ini. Amin.

Oke, ini cuma sekadar share aja, karena saya memang lagi dipusingin sama dua topic itu. Mencoba untuk mencari jalan keluar, bukan malah lari dari masalah. Hm, ada satu hal lagi, tapi mungkin ini sangat privasi. Saya bahas di posting selanjutnya.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Have you ever thought about what protects our hearts?
Just a cage of rib bones and other various parts.
So it's fairly simple to cut right through the mess,
And to stop the muscle that makes us confess.

And we are so fragile,
And our cracking bones make noise,
And we are just,
Breakable, breakable, breakable girls and boys.

You fasten my seatbelt because it is the law.
In your two ton death trap I finally saw.
A piece of love in your face that bathed me in regret.
Then you drove me to places I'll never forget.

And we are so fragile,
And our cracking bones make noise,
And we are just,
Breakable, breakable, breakable girls and boys.

And we are so fragile,
And our cracking bones make noise,
And we are just,
Breakable, breakable, breakable girls-
Breakable, breakable, breakable girls-
Breakable, breakable, breakable girls and boys.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

ISFiT 2011 : Never Ending Story (part 2)

First of all I want to thank you for SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL OF JAKARTA for the kindness to be my primary sponsor in my journey to ISFiT 2011 in Trondheim, Norway. Without it I couldn’t crossing the borders, realizing my dream, make friendship, and the most important thing is change the world with shared ideas with student delegation all around the world. And make it as chance starting point even from little thing.

ISFiT is International Student Festival in Trondheim, that held every two years. This event organized by ISFiT foundation and including Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Sør-Trøndelag University College (HiST), the Student Society of Trondheim, "Studentsamskipnaden i Trondheim" (SiT), Trondheim local authority and Sør-Trøndelag County Authority.

Students are the future leaders of the world and their voices should be heard and international networks established. Thus, the purpose of ISFiT is to be a meeting place for discussion and debate, an arena where ideas are born, friendships are made and valuable lessons are learned. The festival aims at fostering inspiration and being a starting point for international cooperation amongst students. ISFiT is a non-profit festival. The idea of an international student festival in Trondheim came to life in 1988. The thought was to gather students from different parts of the world in a combination of a conference and a festival. ISFiT is purpose to encourage students to be inspired and be the starting point from early relations in an international scale.

ISFiT - The International Student Festival in Trondheim, Norway is the world’s largest student festival with a thematic focus. About 450 students from all over the world attend the festival. The themes have changed over the years, but have always been related to social and political topics with international relevance.

World figures often attend ISFiT and past speakers include His Holiness the Dalai Lama, former Director-General of WHO Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland and Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Dr José Ramos-Horta, Professor Wangari Maathai and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Dr Desmond Tutu. Using modern technology, former US president Bill Clinton has relayed his thoughts about the global significance of ISFiT to plenum ceremonies at the festival.

Today ISFiT is one of the most important meeting places for students from all over the world. In the last years the festival has had participants from more than a hundred countries.

This event will born a petition and recommendations for United of Nations and related institutions. Students as the next leaders expected to afford some of considerations to answer how the solutions from the current problems in the world.

ISFiT 2011 was held from 11-20th February 2011. The main theme for ISFiT 2011 is GLOBAL HEALTH, and the festival's name is Globalize this: Health. ISFiT 2011 defines global health as the health of the world population in an international context, looking beyond purely national perspectives and challenges. The concept covers all aspects of the human health – physical, mental, and social.

In ISFiT, I’ve leraned so many things. About differences, frindship, dignity, team work, tolerance, respect, global issues, and love. I was selected to join ISFiT from more of 4000 applicants from all around the world and I feel so lucky to stand here for you all share about how’s the situation and condition of this world, how’s us, the next leaders for the future can give the real contribution of the world problems severity especially about GLOBAL HEALTH. I choosed workshop sub theme 4, water. Ya, water is life. That’s what I concenrned about. During the workshop, I’ve learned so many things and can open my mind from different point of view for water problems and health along solutions from each participants.

On the first day we still didn’t have workshop. The Crown Prince of Norway gave us a little opening about DIGNITY. How people can encourage his self to be better one and how they can help others to get their dignity. Actually he said that dignity really connecting with everything we should get as a human.

*Jorgen (president of ISFiT 2011) with Crown Prince of Norway

On the second day we start the workshop with knew each other well. After that we had opening ceremony in Student society (or we also call it studentersamfundet or just Samfundet) and wore our national costume. I wore batik for that day and they really like the pattern. Various topics has planned by our water workshop leaders, Ida, Hakon, Orjan, sand sofie. Four of them also students. On the frist day of workshop we discusssed about waterborne deseases. We agreed that water besides good for our human being, also have negative effect if there aren’t good superintendent for that water and can cause deseases that arise because using the polluted water. At that moment, we have good speaker, Arne Myhre. A doctor in a hospital in Trondheim. The result of our discussion with him was first, eventhough there are prevented activities to prevent the diseases that arise because using polluted water, the society still not realize of the clean water and in some country that has abundant water not using it sparingly. I’ll give you an example, my friend from Rusia told us that in Rusia they have abundant water resource and they use it without resposibility and don’t realize that in other parts of the world has lack of water. And that’s a pity. Furthermore we agreed that in every each country has their own unique custom to cure the waterborne disease for example in Africa the have traditional and simple way to cure it. On that day we have plennary session about GLOBALIZE THIS: HEALTH. Oh ya we have ISFiT game named Hi Ha Hoo. We played it as well as if we have samurai.

*Hi Ha Hoo game!!

On the next day, we had Ski day in Roros, with all of ISFiT official we came together in the thick snow with the weather about minus 20 celcius, and that made my hand and feet freezing like snow ball.

The day after the ski day, we have different theme from our first day workshop, it was about INDUSTRY EMISSION. And our workshop leaders gave us the opportunity to debating in some of groups, one of the group act like government, communities that live surrounding the oil company, the leaders of the oil company, and european people who using the oil from country that the oil company has took its resource. We were debating and found that there were need concern from all of parts to create the harmonisation in solutions in a system which has to be created for mutual benefit. After that we talk about government action toward flood that happen in a country and we created the GOVERNMENT CRISIS TEAM, and I will show you the picture of it later.

*our beloved room (I miss it.. :'( )

*our speaker

Next day we felt that our time went so fast, our friendship becoming stronger and felt that in a few days we had to be separate. We have game with climate and environment workshop and we called it CATASTROPHE DAY because the game divided in to some post and we were divided into some groups, in 1 group there were participant from water and climate and environment workshop. In to the group we had to make a small family consist of grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, and children. The rules is we are a family who lives in a country that often experience tsunami, if we want to survive we have to got the resources like money, water etc from the game posts. It was really interseting because we’ve learned about team work and care each other eventhough we are in panic situation to survive. And I had been famous because my face plastered in Trondheim magazine when I was playing that. And I won’t waste the magazine forever.

*Studenter Samfundet

On the next day 17th February we had WATER and HUMAN RIGHTS. We defined it in to some words. Whether the water is a human rights from each individual, why water can be defined as human rights, and what does the relation of it? We revealed (mengungkapkan) our opinion with different point of view caused by we have different background from different countries. But we agreed that water can not be separated with human rights because over 70% of our body is consist of water. Therefore (maka dari itu) water is essential and fundamentally need in our life but, we still have responsibility of using the water as wise as we can. In the night we had plennary session about THE GLOBAL HIV/AIDS PANDEMIC at Samfundet.

*one of our speaker

On 18th February we were not in our workshop room in Nova building, but we have project day in Samfundet about hunger and obesity. Yeah it is happen in so many countries, Indonesia including on it. Social imbalance between one country to other country happen because of the lack of food. The most interesting part of that day was in the evening we walked in to the Olavshallen Building from Samfudet to campaign with the torch in our hand to attended the STUDENT PEACE PRIZE there, and again we wore our national costum because the event was formal, this time I wore Betawinese costum called Encim. Duško Kostić from Croatia has deserve for student peace prize. As founder and president of the organization “Association of Roma Friendship”, LUNA, the 36-year-old Duško Kostic plays lead role in spreading knowledge and learning about the Roma. Since 2005 Duško Kostic has been visiting Roma families in Croatia to promote education for children and youth. 94% of the participating pupils in his projects complete secondary school.

The Student Peace Prize is a prize that encourages students who are fighting for peace, democracy and human rights. Duško Kostic is also a political representative for the Romas in his home town; Beli Manister in the eastern parts of Croatia. He has been characterized by the committee as “an everyday hero that motivates others through emphasizing on education and peace building”. This year’s prize emphasizes the value of education for peace building. Despite this, the Nobel Peace Prize has never been awarded to a candidate focusing on the importance of education.


The next day on 19th February was the second last day to us for sharing, debating, and discussing about the water and health. We’ve talked about WATER: THE SOURCE OF LIFE A SOURCE OF CONFLICT. Here, we’ve got referrals (arahan) from Ole M. Theisen. We agreed that people who don’t have access to get the clean water, they can be rude and do anything to get the water even they can murder each other. Even there are conflict in some of countries like India, Bangladesh, and China etc that has same spings (sumber mata air). My friend from bangladesh and India and China revealed that the government blame each other because of the polluted water and the distribution is uneven in each region.

*he's a good speaker! :D

This issue should be the world intention in order to prevent the contiuity conflict because it can be worst. On the evening we had plenary session themed HOW GENDER PLAYS A ROLE? At Samfundet. The speaker was Dr. Sima Samar from Afganistan and she brought two other girls from Afganistan who care about the struggling women. They told us about how education becoming important to the emantipation and gender equality (kesetaraan), how Afganistan women struggling to get the better education and has an important role in government. Previously, I have already prepare a question but I did not get it because the moderator gave the questioner from below of the list. But that was ok because after the plenary session was over I came to her and told about my story and give her the SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL OF JAKARTA’ s flag. And told her it is my sponsor and she said that oh I know this organization then I would like to take a picture of it with you. I really happy and proud because I can take a picture with a great women after my mom. hehe

*Dr. Sima Samar, me, and Feroza Mushtari

And we were really sad to leave Trondheim. It was our last day and we had workshop about HOW TO SPREAD THE WORLD? On 20th February 2011. Exactly when we going back to our country. We discussed about what will we do after ISFiT. And we presented it in various style, me and my group presented it in Military way. And that was funny. we’ve got the conclusion that we have to do it begin from our self, and then our close people like friend, family, after that we can influence people to follow us, then join the organization which is concern about environment and make some campaign inside it. Because I’ve already retired from student organization in my university, so I have an idea to make a proposal and will ask the Executive Student Institution in my University to help me to make a proposal about direcly drinking water in our university environment.

*the presentation

And finally we have to separate and going back to our country. It was really sad when we had the clossing ceremony, we laughing together, crying, dancing, and hug each other because we know that even our body can not see each other directly, but we still have the heart that connected us. And the last is I can conclude that we were sure that ISFiT 2011 is just the beginning to begin the better life of the world.

*circus Khaoom

*city center (Trondheim Torg)

*Norwegian Kroner (they don't use euro there)

*my best picture. I really love it.. :)

ISFiT 2011 : Never Ending Story

Alhamdulillah. My thankfull for Allah SWT who has give me all of this. My undergraduation thesis title that I’ve made with referrals from my lecturer (Ma’am Hanny) has been approved. Wuih, there will be next long journey to my graduation, at least I have passed one of the step to become Bachelor of Communication Science.

Oh, It’s several days after ISFiT 2011 has been held in Trondheim, Norway. That was the best moment I’ve ever had in my entire life (hahahah). I’d like to tell you my story (a lot of story actually) and don’t be bored of it, hehe. But there’s no doubt you won’t be bored because it was really fun and interesting and it will make you really curious and exciting to apply for the next ISFiT 2013.

Ok, first I want to tell you how can I get the invitation, I applied the application on ISFiT website ( you can googling it. And told about my personal profile, essay about the theme I choosed. It’s simply and you don’t have to tell too much stories and just explain what is your concern about, your curiosity of the theme and workshop, and the importan thing is you should have social thought and at least you have done something for your neighboorhood. Not a big act, but something that related form your own self, but if you have made some social event or something like it’s more considered. So, my advise is, from now, you have to care about your neighboorhood and try to start a change from your thought and your habbit to be more active in your school, do something for the environment, but don’t forget to do it sincerely. It works well. J

ISFiT 2011 theme was GLOBAL HEALTH. And I applied for Workshop Sub theme #4 Water for my first choice. I really like the topic because Indonesia has an unique problem with this. So, even I come from different background and not really connected from the topic, water and health, I was still confident and make the connectivity of it. Because you know, communication can be use for everything in this world, even ants have their own communication for communicate each other (nono, that’s not what I’ve learned in my school, it’s just an example, hehe).

On the departure day, 9th February 2011, my friend Renjay drive me to the airport with my mom and dad. At the airport I met David, my friend from Unpad too and we did the check in and you know what, it was my first time to go abroad and I was so panic and I don’t know how to do the check in (fiuhhh… thanks to David, he taught me), so the KLM officer who saw me asked, “Oh, seems it’s your first experience to going abroad, aren’t you?” LOL. Yeah, that’s silly for me, but that’s ok, I was trying to be confident with my self. After we met another participants on the boarding lounge. I had long trip (about 25 hours-include 5 hours transit in Amsterdam). It was awful, we arrived in Trondheim on 10th February and we greeted by ISFiT volunters (Tord and Hanna). They really nice and gave us the bus ticket to the city. Do you know what, when we went out from the airplane, we saw the snow, the thick snow. WOW awesome!

I was becoming more excited when I arrived to Trofoue (I forget how to spell it) and we were waiting for our host fam. We were lucky because we arrived one day before the festival start. And I met one of my workshop leader, Hakon. He’s really nice and cute (hehe).

On the first day we still didn’t have workshop. The Crown Prince of Norway gave us a little opening about DIGNITY. How people can encourage his self to be better one and how they can help others to get their dignity. Actually he said that dignity really connecting with everything we should get as a human. After it we met each other from our workshop, we played a game named HI HA HOO (it’s funny game). I met my workshop leaders, Ida, Sofie, and Orjan (he likes to be called OREO, hihi). And Elise as my workshop contact (she alwas prepared our food and drink. Hehe)

*Hakon, Sofie, Orjan, Me, Ida

In my workshop, I have Keka (I love her style, cute and stylish, and flower in her hair, that’s cute!),

*keka is the one who wore the white t-shirt

Slavisa (the first time I met him, I think he is silent guy, but the fact is he sometimes made jokes and he really responsible man—he accompany me to wait my flight to paris in OSLO airport. Hahay)

David (he always curious about everything that related with believes, and he’s really funny guy with his english accent.. :D),

*me, Dinda, Gomez, and David

Mei Huan (a girl from china, sometime she is wishy washy but she’s really nice to me to give the topping for eat rice),

*me, Mei huan, and Ismi

Gomez (he acts like don juan. LOL)

*Johana, me, Gomez, Slavisha, Margaritha

Margaritha (she’s like a model and I like her costume when we have the student peace prize ceremony),

the cookie queen Gulia, she's funny and nice.. :D

*me, Gulia, Mei huan, Margarita, Aline, Ismi, Katie, Nastiti

Aline and Marina (always together and never been separated hehe. They brought chocolate from her country and I ate a lot!!! Haha sorry).

Abigail (I learned a lot from her about Africa, the corruption, and one thing is important is don’t direcly believe and influenced by the mass media about Africa. Hm it’s really nice to have conversation at Lychee that night with her friend Patricia too)

*me and Abigail

Jennifer (don’t believe with her cute face, because she is little bit older *sensored. Hihihi)

*Ismi, Jennifer, Katie, Zinabu, Nicole, and me

Katie (american girl, she’s nice and chill out, she is the first person who pulled me onto the dance floor. Haha that time I felt so shy to dancing).

Gagan (he’s really smart guy! I like him when he start to arguing, he speaks english very well-I can’t follow his speech actually because he speaks really fast. Hehe)

Jesse (he’s from USA and he has curly hair. It was nice when Sasha braid his hair. Wohooo like NBA’s player. Haha)

Atamp (he’s really tall you know! Wow. Atamp really like to be photographed, and Nastiti was his loyal photographer I think. Lol)

*Gagan, Gulia, Zinabu, me, and Attamp

Dinda (just like me from Indonesia, everyone love her tiger hat!! :D)

Ismi (Indonesia too, oh I really remember how one of the participant from Africa who we met in Amsterdam always looking for her and want to make Ismi as his wife. Haha)

Johana (she’s really nice and smart).

Nastiti (the photographer, she comes from Indonesia but she is studying in Taiwan. I called her teteh – it’s like sister in my country.)

Nicole (she told me that her father haven’t gave her the atm card yet, hehe we talked a lot).

*me and Nicole

Riku (he is from Findland and know Indonesia well, every morning he always said ‘selamat pagi’ with good accent. Hehe, I’ve gotten one funny picture with him.)

*Riku and me. LOL

Pema (he gave me Buthan’s money, and really love his traditional clothes from Buthan, on the first day I thought he was silent, but that was wrong, he is cheerful and like to talk)

Tahsin (the birthday guy! I like the cake, thank you Tahsin, because of your birthday I can eat a big slice of Norwegian cake, haha)

*Hakon, Shasha, Gagan, Tahsin, Attamp, Jesse, Prince, Riku, Simon, Yen

Rony (huaaa I miss Rony, he’s nice and care. I remember that he accompany me when I was freezing and we did some interesting conversation about culture claim. ;))

*me and Rony

Simon (he’s really tall and I like his thought, he’s smart.)

Sebastian (ohhh your so cute sebastian.. hihihi. First time I met you when you were looking for me and asked my friends from Indonesia ‘where is Kiky Panda?’ and I was standing near you. Hehehe. )

*me and Sebastian

Sasha (cute girl! You got my little secret about someone in Trondheim. Hehehe. I like your dance! Hope we can dance together again someday. ;))

Prince (hmmm.... I'll make a confession here, so you don't have to curious anymore about whether I saw something that night or not..hahahah. ok, I saw him - at Sofie's toilet - but I didn't see it!!!! I just saw him. :P )

Zuzana (she’s pretty and smart, I like it. And she is really nice with her glasses.. heheheh)

Zinabu (wohooo! One word for you, cool! I like her smile, her openness, and she’s a moslem from Ghana. I really surprised on the first day she came to me and said that ‘I’m a moslem too’ and it is really nice to know her.)

*me and Zinabu

Yen (Taiwan guy! He wears glases and he’s smart because ha talked a lot during the workshop)

Yad (he study in USA. Unfortunately he came home early. But he was amazing, neat and tidy guy. Hehehe)

That’s all my friend in workshop water. I really love them. Wish we can meet again someday. Hiks hiks. ISFiT was really spectacular, awesome, amazing, extraordinary student festival. I’ve learned so many things, about dignity, about tolerance, differences, friend, team work, world problems and sollutions, and so on. And of course, I’m in love with Trondheim. I’m going to apply my master there. Wish me luck! J

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Sambil menunggu pukul 2 siang yang berarti pukul 8 pagi di London, saya mau cerita betapa semua keinginan dan mimpi kalau dibarengi ikhtiar, doa dan tawakal maka akan terwujud, tentunya juga dengn optimis dan yakin kita bisa. Jangan lupa juga siap untuk menghadapi hasil dan resiko terburuknya.

Saya pernah mengalami masa-masa yang terpuruk dan jatuh karna beberapa fakta. He25x biasalah perempuan. Kadanga bisa bikin stress, bikin pengen marah-marah bahkan bikin nangis. Akhi-akhir ini memang banyak cobaan yang menempa saya. Hm. Tapi di lain pihak saya bisa lebih tegar dan lebih percaya dan lebih mendekatkan diri sama Allah. At least itu yang saya rasakan sekarang. Jadi gini, di posting sebelumnya, in english kan saya sebutin tentang kegiatan jobtraining saya. Nah ini masih sedikit nyambung, saya mau cerita tentang keterimanya saya di International Student Festival in Trondheim, Norway 11 Februari nanti.

Saya kirim essay ke dari bulan agustus kalo ga salah dan itu waktu bulan puasa. Terima kasih buat kakak yang ngoreksi essay english saya. Hi25x. Terus dikirim deh. Dan jangan lupa baca bismillah sebelum ngirimnya. Tanggal 1 November katanya mereka bakal kasih tau pengumuman. Tapi aku liat waktu pulang ngantor (jiaahhh ngantor??), jobtraining gitu maksud saya, di email blom ada gitu. Yowis aku ga exiting lagi. Ehhh pas hari selasanya (inget banget pas baru pulang n denger lagu Bruno Mars – Just The Way You Are) ada email gitu dari ISFiT 2011, and finally I’ve got it. Agak ga percaya dan wew it’s my first time to attempt the International Student Festival. First I was thinking that I won’t go for it because the cost really expensive. Tiket pesawatnya aja bisa sampe 15 juta bolak balik. Hm. Dan akhirnya saya sujud syukur dulu (biar agak dramatis – actually I’ve really gratefull to Allah). Terus sms semua kk dan baba and emak (oh ya I’m Betawinese, he25x)atas keterimanya saya. Tapi ya gitu langsung pada bilang ntar duitnya dari mana. He25x saya jawab seadanya, “nanti aku cari sponsor” dan ngeyakinin mereka kalo aku bakal berusaha semampu aku dan ga akan mengabaikan kuliah (buktinya masih bisa Jobtraining, seminar juga udah kelar, sidang Jobtraining juga udah), tinggal usmas (ngajuin proposal judul skripsi gitu).

Eh back to ISFiT 2011, akhirnya saya mulai bikin proposal, desain n konten nya sama tanya2 dari temen2 yang pernah ikutan event2 macem kaya gini. Makasi sekali lagi buat Lia Amalia Ulfah, Tengku Vanessa and esspecially the Historina Syafitri Hakim yang udah kasih saya support dan contoh2 proposal. Mereka orang2 yang hebatttttt.


Akhirnya ketemu ma anak Unpad yang juga dapet invitation letter namanya Agusmia Putri Haerani dan Muhammad David. Mereka berdua baiiiiiikkk dan hebattt banget. Saya salut sama mereka. Nah jadi ceritanya kakak saya kak Lela kerja di law firm gitu dan bilang sama saya buat kirim proposan in english gitu ke dia buat di kasih ke partner nya. akhirnya saya ngebut bikin proposal, saya inget waktu itu awal november ngirimnya. Saat itu saya ga terlalu memprioritaskan yang dari partner kakak saya itu.

Nah ini yang serunya, waktu bulan desember itu I’ve got kinnda problem with Unpad Library. Saya dibilang belum kembaliin buku dari tahun 2009 (in case I was wanting to borrow 2 text book there). Oke, ini salah satu ujian berat buat saya karena peminjaman sudah dari lebih dari setahun dan saya sangat syok. Skali lagi saya menemukan org2 hebat dan selalu bersyukur karna Allah selalu kasih jalan buat saya. Sorenya saya ketemu April (temen satu jurusan) dan kita ngobrol banyak di Sushi boon dago dan dia bilang temennya ada juga yang dizolimi seperti itu and She asked me the date that they told me when I borrowed that book. Dan saya periksa hari itu sabtu, 23 Mei 2009. And you know what?? Hari sabtu perpus tutup.

Besoknya saya kembali ke cisral dan bilang hal itu ga mungkin. Tapi mereka tetap pada pendirian mereka kalo saya haru ngembalikin buku dan bayar denda (kurang lebih 133rb dendanya) bahkan ada kejadian bisa sampe jutaan karna itu buku tandon (wew). Oke next saya nego dan bilang saya memang tidak pernah pinjam buku itu. Akhirnya setelah perdebatan panjang kita deal untuk saya ganti buku tapi ga perlu bayar denda. Ok deal saya bilang (waktu itu saya ditemenin Ranti – my best friend too). Hari sabtunya saya cari buku itu (judulnya “Memahami Peran Komunikasi Massa dalam Masyarakat” yang ternyata cetakan 1991 – wow that’s old school). Dan di palasari ga ada donk donk donk!!! Akhirnya nemu yang fotokopian dan mahal banget banget banget Rp 60rb dan akhirnya setelah ditawar jadinya Rp 40rb ajaaa.. lumayan lah.

Seninnya saya ke cisral lagi dan disana saya ditentang lagi sama petugas dan dipaksa untuk membayar lagi. Waduh saya bingung, kan pas hari jumat udah deal2an kan, knp bisa beda. Saya tetep ngotot karna saya juga ga pernah pinjem buku itu. Penjaganya pun tetep ngotot maksa saya bayar denda, akhirnya dia nyerah dan minta saya nulis di buku denda dengan catatan keterangan denda “tidak mau bayar denda”. Tadinya ga mau nulis Cuma karna saya masih menghormati si ibu dan akhirnya saya tulis dengan tambahan “tidak mau bayar denda karna tidak pernah meminjam”. He25x

Yah finally lah saya ngerasa banyak yang saya bisa ambil dari kejadian ini. Tapi, saya juga ternyata dapet good news dari kakak (sekitar awal Januari 2011) waktu saya balik dari jatinangor dan di Damri saya ditemenin sama the Nesyia dan teh Ajeng. Kak lela telpon saya dan bilang temennya mau biayain perjalanan tiket PP saya. WOW!! Alhamdulillah Thanks to Allah. Turun dari damri teh nesyia minta aku sujud syukur (di jalanan bo’). But I was doing it. He25x

Finally, I’m going to Norway.


And while I’m waiting to my departure on 9th february 2011, my student card (which is include my BNI ATM card) has left in ATM machine when I was took money. Hu25x

tapi untungnya saya udah bikin kartu internasional student (ISIC -

it's just a sample. hi25x

That’s a pity. Saya sedih banget dan saya harus bikin lagi padahal di Unpad atm dan ktm udahterpisah. Wew ribet yah. Tapi ya mau gimana lagi. Untung saya punya fotokopiannya. Akhirnya saya urus2 ke polisi buat bikin atm baru. Cobaan selalu datang dan selalu bikin saya lebih sabar dan lebih mendekatkan diri sama Allah. Mana banyak juga yang musti saya urus buat keberangkatan. Tapi saya harus selalu semangat!! Dan selalu berdoa mohon ridha dari Allah. Saya yakin akan kekuatan itu. Yang penting kita udah usaha dan hasilnya hanya Allah yang menetukan.

Dan saat ini saya sedang menunggu jam dua untuk reservasi online flight (krn mau skalian chat sama admin Karena tadi malem ga jadi di bookingin soale di kartu debit mandiri saya Cuma ada 10 dollars. Wekekekekk

Mudah2an cerita saya bisa menginspirasi dan memotivasi temen2. Dan jangan lupa doain saya yaaaa mudah2an saya bisa jaga kesehatan sampe keberangkatan dan di sananya nanti dan mudah2an ga ada masalah sebelu, saat, dan sesudah keberangkatan saya. Amin Ya Allah.

Bon courage !!!


where do you come from?


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