Monday, May 14, 2012

Dara itu bernama Sukhoi

Dara terbang lalu luluh lantak
berkeping terhempas menghantam bagian bumiku
yang pernah marah mengeluarkan lava ratusan tahun lalu

Berkeping dia hancur
bikin sesat hati yang bersedan-sedan menunggu pengharapan

Semoga ridha akan takdir Yang Maha Tahta
Siapa berani lawan

Aku berduka dan berdoa
Selamatkan jiwa mereka yang berhancuran di bumiku
Allah pasti jaga



Monday, May 7, 2012

Museum: Dinamisasi Manusia Melalui Budaya

Seperti blog yang saya posting sebelumnya, mendinamisasi manusia. Andai saya kaji dengan keantropologiannya, mendinamisasikan manusia yang memang faktor alam atau "dari sononya" bisa jadi pupuk buat mendinamisasikan masyarakat yang konvensional, kurang pengetahuannya. Saya tertarik dengan perkataan Pramoedia "Seorang terpelajar harus juga berlaku adil sejak dalam pikiran, apalagi dalam perbuatan". Dimana seseorang dengan ilmunya harus adil, juga berbagi ilmu itu dengan berbuat sebaik-baiknya manusia pada sesamanya.
Maaf sekali lagi, saya cuma mau mengeluarkan aspirasi saya aja. Beberapa waktu lalu saya pergi ke Museum Bank Indonesia dan Bank Mandiri. Sekiranya saya bisa liat sejauh mana mata uang bisa jadi saksi bisu sejarah peradaban manusia, budaya, nilai, dan norma. Gak perlu punya banyak ilmu buat dateng kesana, tapi keluarlah dengan ilmu selepas mengunjungi museum. Apalagi buat anak-anak kecil yang masih mengimitasi para tetuanya. Saya harap museum-museum ini bisa jadi tempat hiburan beredukasi yang baik buat adik-adik dan para tetuanya untuk bijaksana menjalani dinamisasi manusia dan nantinya masyarakat. Budaya itu dinamis. Karena budaya itu buatan manusia. :)

beberapa foto saat saya ke museum BI, Bank Mandiri dan diakhiri makan es krim di Ragusa bersama teman saya Audy Majid. :)

Mendinamisasi Manusia

Menjadi pribadi yang dinamis adalah manusia. Hal yang sangat saya tidak dapat hindari. Bahkan orang gak waras pun dinamis, bisa kewarasannya maupun ketidakwarasannya. Sebuah luapan emosi bisa diungkapkan manusia lewat ekspresi, baik dari tubuh, wajah bahkan bahasa. Menyadari bahwa gak selamanya saya harus menjadi anak terkecil dan manja. Gak selamanya juga saya harus minta dibayari. Alhamdulillah saya udah lulus strata satu sarjana ilmu komunikasi. saya tau cari kerja di Indonesia itu sulitnya minta ampun. 6 bulan saya berjuang, menanggung malu pengangguran. Tapi bukan berarti selama itu saya gak produktif. Saya magang di humas PT Astra International Tbk di Sunter sebelum akhirnya saya diterima bekerja jadi staf divisi program di Soegeng Sarjadi School of Government dibawah asuhan bang Fadjroel Rachman. Menyenangkan ketika saya harus bisa berinovasi membuat suatu program yang sifatnya lebih kemasyarakatan dan pencerdasan bangsa. Suatu hal yang mungkin banyak orang pandang sebelah mata karena tidak menghasilkan uang yang banyak. Walaupun begitu, apa yang saya dapatkan lebih. Menjadi pribadi manusia yang dinamis dan menumbuhkan empati untuk hidup berdampingan atau zoon politicon. Bertemu dengan orang sehebat ketua KPK Abraham Samad itu sebuah karya luar biasa bagi saya. Beliau hadi di acara SSSG, Nonton Bareng Film "Kita Vs Korupsi". Terlihat begitu wibawa dan tegasnya beliau sebagai perawakan Makassar.

Menjadi pribadi yang ingin berhasil ga cuma dilihat dari apa yang telah diperbuat. Tapi hati, jiwa dan pikiran juga. Saya gak tahan ketawa, liat blog-blog dari jaman kuliah. Gak pernah tanpa cowok. hehe. Manusia berpikir dengan akal dan cinta, itu yang saya rasakan. Memfokuskan diri pada apa yang ingin saya capai untuk keberhasilan diri itu sangat penting bagi saya sekarang. Dan saya yakin Allah ga akan pernah memberi ujian yang melampaui batas kemampuan manusia itu sendiri. Semoga blog saya yang dari masa ke masa bisa jadi refleksi hidup yang dinamis itu. Hasbunallah wa ni'mal wakil. Subhanallah. :)

saya di acara Nonton Bareng Film "Kita Vs Korupsi"

teman-teman di SSSG

Friday, January 20, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

International Student Week in Ilmenau (ISWI) 2011, Germany

Sudah lama saya ga nulis blog, and I hope it will be my new begining to write again. Hey January, bulan ini saya mengulang hari kelahiran saya yang ke 22. Nice number isn’t it? I just finished my bachelor degree last year on August, tentunya dengan sekuat tenaga saya coba buat nyelesein skripsi itu. Seru, sempet ganti judul. Skripsi ambil penelitian kualitatif, pendekatannya Charles Sanders Pierce. Yup, studi semiotika, udah mulai banyak yang pake ini di jurusan humas kampus saya. Studi ini ga cuma neliti tentang pemaknaan, tapi juga how people construct the symbol based on their frame of reference and their field of experience, their social environment, ect. Wow, itu sedikit review dari saya, jangan pusing yah, saya juga lagi ga mau bahas skripsi duyuu.. ehehe
Apa yah, hm, ada request dari beberapa teman buat posting tentang International Student Week in Ilmenau, Germany yang saya ikuti beberapa bulan lalu. Saking sibuknya, males tepatnya, haha. Jadi baru bisa sekarang. Ok, I will try to tell you my ISWI story in English. J
On my earlier post in April, I posted about my final report (thesis) and ISWI. The things that succeed crush my brain. Hehe. After looking for sponsors for a month, I desperate and decided not to come to ISWI in Germany because money that I have collected was not enough to book a fligth to Germany. I just need 2 million more to go. When I decided not to go, my dad was calling me and offered me some money to go to Germany. That’s Allah miracle and I believe He always there for me. After thinking for a week, I accept it, I was still doubt because I know, my family has problem with money, it was a miracle because someone bought my dad’s land in Depok. Wohoo. Alhamdulillah.
Here we go again, I finally booked my flight to Germany after I applied my visa. I got 1050 US $ for return fligth with Qatar Airways. Cheap fligth for Europe. Hehe. It is because I used my International Student Identity Card (ISIC). Hehe promosi.. my departure was on 12th of May to Frankfurt. I arrived at FRA about in the evening, oh I forgot to tell you that I was not alone on the plane but with Candini (actually she was an ISFIT participant too and lucky us, we got the second chance to go to Europe again).
this is Candini and her big suitcase :p

me and my suitcase ;D
A funny storry on the plane we got, at night, our neighbor, a man flirt a woman who he has just met at that moment. He offered the women to marry him, he convince that if the women work abroad (Indonesian Women Workers-TKW) that is no problem if she married again during their work time. Hahaha. We still kept not to laugh, because the man accent was so Tegal, it is one of Indonesian city, but he spoke really funny. haha.
Ok back to ISWI, I took a train to Ilmenau with Candini, but you know what?? We met egyptians on the train. They are ISWI participants too. And they are good in English. We almost die because of cold, haha, we had to transit for less than an hour at one station. How lucky, Mostafa, one of my egyptian friend brougth bread. That was my first time to eat egyptian bread. :p
me and my egyptian friends, mostafa is the biggest one hihi :p

Then I arrived in Ilmenau about 12 am. Fiuhhh. And I got a couple host to stay for 10 days. At first I thought they were married, but actually they are on a date. Hehe.
Lari (right) my host and her boy friend (left)

this is my first breakfast and offcourse my fave one. :D thank you Lari

@rivo's birthday (lari's sister)

The next day I must prepare for my first day to attend ISWI, wohoo. On my first day when I walked through Mensa building (ISWI crew’s meeting point), someone shouted my name loudly, “Kiky!” I turned my head in to my right, then I narrowed my eyes. I was supprised, he smile at me and came closer to me. Awkwardly, I called his name “Hi, Ali?” he answered me “Yes, it is me Ali from Pakistan” then I smile. We chat before we met, and he gave me support.

this is our first meeting, and Ali precisely on the left side

the school building (TU Ilmenau)

At first day I gathered with other participants in sport field. Then the next day, we have international brunch, yeap, a brunch with international culinaire, hihi, it was really nice and COLD, because it was minus 2 in Ilmenau. Brrr..
yes, International Brunch time! :D

On the next day, we started the discussion. I got media and communication for freedom, because ISWI’s theme for that year was about “Freedom”. And this is my picture with them. J

Us.... ;*
(magdalena, luisa, daniel, elisa, me, ewa, emanuele, diana, yana, sasha, zhenya)

our project

our presentation

the plennary session

me ;D

They are really nice. I miss them. We talked many problems that curently happen in each country. I was the only one from Asia, because we had two group for media and communication. So I just explain about Japan which was stricken by big tsunami. And about media in Indonesia. Ah, a lot of things I got from them. Now I know, several countries in Europe doesn’t have freedom for their speech. For examples in Belarous, their condition are the same with Egypt at this moment. They struggle to have a better condition from their dictator president. Before went back to frankfurt, we were going to Efurt, beautiful city :)
at Erfurt

I learned so many things, and the main thing is, I met different people, different cultures, and different thoughts. 

I really want to show you how beautiful Ilmenau and Frankfurt so I will give you the documentary of ISWI 2011 on next post. :)
That is my short story for ISWI 2011, hope you like it. And please don’t vomit, lol. :P
But if you are not, just shut down your computer and try to forget my incredible story. Hehehe.


The story begins when I was visiting my mom’s relative at Menteng. It was several days before Eid Mubarak. There are 3 families who has relation with my mom. One of them I call her Mak A. she asked my mom to give her Mukena, a clothes to pray for moslems. Then my mom told my 2nd sister whether she has one piece of mukena to give. Then I met another mom’s relatives. I saw them, I saw their eyes, deep in to their heart, struggling to have a better life, to survive and live the life with their family even it has broken, but they are tuogh women I’ve ever seen, including my mom. I learn purity and steadfastness, believing in God whatever happened. Yes, I saw it and I must be better and tough after it. I belive Allah will give them the best place someday.

where do you come from?


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